It is Finished (Good Friday Reflection)

When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. (John 19:30)

It is finished!  The greek word, “tetelestai” means that all has been completed.  It is like making the last stroke in a painting.  All is now done.  All that was imagined is fulfilled.  Everything that has been worked for is now complete.  The last brush stroke does not just finish the painting, but it brings it all together and gives it meaning.

Jesus’ sacrifice is not just the end of His earthly ministry.  It is not just His final act of love.  It is the completion of God’s master plan to save humanity.  It gives solution to mankind’s ancient journey of trying to come near to God.  It gives meaning to God’s words in the garden of Eden, to His actions on the banks of the Red Sea and to His promises to His people for generations.  In this moment, it all becomes clear.  History now has a focal point.  Redemption now has an address.  

It is finished.  That means that there is nothing more that you or I have to do to earn relationship with God.  The price is paid.  The painting is complete.  And when we stare at it, we see that He has painted over our sins and has re-created us as pure and forgiven.  We come broken to the cross.  We come humbled and repentant and ask to be made new.  We are ready to do the hard work to re-pay our wrongs and earn redemption.  We are ready to start.  But he says, that it is already done.  It is completed.  It is finished.  This is amazing grace.

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