“Not So Quiet Time” (or “Why I Talk to Jesus at the Mall”)

I have a confession to make… I don’t do daily quiet times.  If you are a follower of Jesus, at some point you’ve been strongly encouraged to have a daily morning “quiet time” (QT) as a way of connecting with God.  Usually this means waking up early, silently reading a passage of Scripture and then sitting still for a few moments to reflect and pray.  This is a great idea, and it is a meaningful practice for many people.  Personally, though I’m terrible at it.

I don’t like mornings, I don’t stay quiet and I’m not great at keeping a daily routine.  For a period of my life, I thought that this meant that I was a failure as a Christian and that I didn’t have the self-discipline or dedication to have a deep relationship with God.  However, I’ve grown to learn that there is more than one way to have a dynamic relationship with Christ.  While it is important to have regular and frequent moments connecting alone with God through His Word and through prayer, what that looks like for each of us can be as diverse as the unique individuals that God created us to be.  

So, I have “not so quiet times” (NSQTs) with Jesus.  It’s rarely the same every day. My desire is to have daily adventures with Jesus where I can connect deeply with Him and allow Him to lead me. I set aside time to spend time with Him (usually not early in the morning) and I put myself in an environment where I know I can encounter Him (usually not in a quiet room by myself). 

Sometimes, I’ll go to a crowded coffee shop and read the Bible and write my thoughts and prayers down or break out colored pencils and respond with art.  Other times, I’ll stay at home and find myself walking, kneeling on the ground or even jumping and dancing as I pray and connect with God with my whole body.  Often, I’ll end up at a piano (even though I can’t really play) or singing (because only Jesus can appreciate my tone-deaf renditions).  Many times, I’ll go to a place where there are a lot of people and sit by myself praying and listening to the Holy Spirit. I find that it’s often easier for me to focus on God and hear His voice when I’m sitting at the food court at the mall or in line for a roller coaster at an amusement park then when I’m in a sterile room alone.

All of these actions might not seem particularly spiritual or meditative compared to how we imagine contemplative spirituality to be.  However, I am a high-energy, ADHD, kinesthetic verbal processor.  For me to connect with Christ, it makes sense that I will do it through the pathways where I am most fully myself.  Jesus meets me in those places and He transforms me.  He shows me who He is and who I truly am.  He convicts me, challenges me, covers me in grace, and commissions me to join Him what He’s doing in this world.  For me it’s joyful, whole hearted and it’s often noisy!

None of these practices may work for you, and that’s completely fine!  If you’ve been waking up at 5am every morning for years and find comfort in sitting in a special spot where you connect quietly with God, don’t stop!  That is amazing.  But for the many of us who have been trying and failing to fit into a formula of Christianity that isn’t working, it’s time to give up.  

Receive the freedom to come to Christ as you are. The point of devotional time (whether it is quiet or not) is simply to be with Jesus, hear from Him and allow Him to change your life.  So, grab a Bible, go to the places where you feel most fully alive and seek Jesus there!  Whether it’s the favorite chair in your living room, a trail in the woods or a busy city subway station, Christ is always present and you will encounter Him wherever you are most fully present.  Be relentless in discovering the unique way that you encounter Christ and be unhindered in finding him there daily.  No matter how you experience Him, I believe that the results in your life will not be quiet at all.

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